Malampaya and Sustainable Development
Since the onset of the Malampaya project, various communities have been beneficiaries of sustainable social and environmental programs aimed at contributing to the communities’ development. The launch of the Malampaya Foundation in early 2006 further strengthened the venture’s commitment to continuously partner with community stakeholders throughout the life of the project.
Malampaya’s development and operation have been guided by the principles of sustainable development, with the goal of continuously balancing the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of its operations. Through working with and engaging various stakeholders, challenges are identified and addressed through sustainable means.

Malampaya Foundation
In 2002, the Malampaya Deepwater Gas to Power project was awarded the World Summit Business Award for Sustainable Development Partnership at the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg, South Africa. The accolade was endowed by the United Nations Environmental Program and the International Chamber of Commerce in recognition of Malampaya’s careful balance of the social, environmental and economic components in the course of development.

Mindoro Biodiversity Conservation Foundation Inc. (MBCFI)
Mindoro Biodiversity Conservation Foundation Inc.(MBCFI) is a non-government organization and its primary purpose is to enable the conservation of Mindoro’s unique and threatened environment, biodiversity and natural resources into perpetuity, through the establishment of integrated biodiversity conservation and development programs, which include improved dissemination of knowledge, management practices and the active participation and collaboration of relevant stakeholders, particularly those who are dependent upon the natural resources of the region.